Welding Electrodes

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Explore our Welding Electrodes


Mild Steel

B&H Mild Steel Electrodes are a premium-quality welding electrode designed for welding mild steel. Made from high-quality materials and manufactured to the highest standards, B&H Mild Steel Electrodes produce strong and durable welds that can withstand the test of time. With excellent arc stability, low spatter, and ease of use, these electrodes are the perfect choice for both novice and professional welders. Whether you’re welding mild steel for a hobby project or a professional application, B&H Mild Steel Electrodes can help you achieve exceptional results.

B&H Low Hydrogen Electrodes are premium-quality welding electrodes that are specifically designed for welding low-alloy high-tensile strength steels. These electrodes produce strong and durable welds with minimal spatter and excellent arc stability. The low hydrogen content in these electrodes ensures that they are highly resistant to cracking and porosity, making them ideal for use in critical applications where the weld quality is of utmost importance. Whether you’re working on a structural project, pressure vessels, or pipelines, B&H Low Hydrogen Electrodes are the perfect choice for high-quality and reliable welding.


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